Geox, Barilla, Auchan. A Eurobest 3 Grand Prix ad aziende italiane

Nonostante i massimi premi siano stati attribuiti ad agenzie straniere, ben tre Grand Prix si devono a clienti italiani: Barilla con Herezie Parigi, Geox con SMFB Oslo e Auchan con Serviceplan Monaco (clicca qui per leggere l’articolo sui dati dell’edizione 2013 e sulle agenzie italiane premiate)

GP Print & Poster Craft, Barilla Harrys Extra Molleux Nature, Herezie, Francia


GP Promo & Activation, Geox ‘7 days of rain’, SMFB Oslo, Norvegia

GP Design, Auchan ‘The selfscan report’, Serviceplan Munich/Milano, Germania

GP PR, Gandul Info ‘Why don’t you come over?’. GMP Advertising Romania

GP Outdoor, Opel ‘The Opel Sky Surprise’ Wien Nord Austria

GP Radio, BMW 5 Series ‘Bmw Siri’, Serviceplan Munich Germania

GP Branded content e GP Interactive, Volvo Trucks ‘Live Test’ e ‘The Chase 360’, Forsman&Bodenfors Svezia

GP Mobile, Adidas Window Shopping, Tbwa\Helsinki Finlandia

GP Media, Mondelez ‘Milka Last Square’, Buzzman Paris Francia

GP Integrated, E.ON ‘Sweden largest energy experiment’, Forsman & Bodenfors Svezia

GP Film Jack&Jones ‘Making the Cut’, ‘Sewing it Up’, & CO. Danimarca

GP Film Craft COME4 ‘Lover’, Being Francia

GP Direct, KBC ‘Gap in the market’, TBWA Belgio

GP Print, Expedia 5 soggetti ‘Wish Ewe Wre Ere’, ‘Gry Sky’, ‘Arm Leg’, ‘Mum Dad IOU’, ‘Sun Sea Snd Sex’, ‘Yoo Wat’ Ogilvy UK



Geox, Barilla, Auchan. A Eurobest 3 Grand Prix ad aziende italiane ultima modifica: 2013-12-09T12:14:34+01:00 da Redazione

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