Eurobest, l’Italia vince tre Grand Prix grazie a LePub e Heineken. Il GP for Good a Small, Indiana e Coordown

Nell’edizione 2024 l’Italia ha guadagnato altre 25 medaglie, tra cui 7 Ori. LePub terza tra le Agency of the Year, a Indiana la Palma d’Oro come casa di produzione più premiata

Il premio alla creatività europeo Eurobest ha annunciato i Grand Prix dell’edizione 2024 e i premi speciali. Dopo le 25 medaglie d’Oro, Argento e Bronzo, l’Italia si aggiudica tre Grand Prix e il Grand Prix for Good.

La campagna ‘Pub Museums’ di  Heineken ideata da LePub Milano e Publicis Dublino ottiene i GP Audio & Radio e Outdoor; il GP Integrated va a ‘150 Years of Whateverken’ ancora di Heineken, campagna per i 150 dell’azienda sempre ideata da LePub Milano.

La campagna ‘Assume That I Can’ di CoorDown, iscritta dalla casa di produzione Indiana Production e ideata da Small New York di Luca Lorenzini e Luca Pannese, si aggiudica invece il Grand Prix for Good, il Grand Prix assegnato alle campagne di organizzazioni non governative e non profit.

Indiana Production vince anche la Palma d’Oro per la casa di produzione più premiata e LePub si classifica terza nel ranking delle Agency of the Year e prima a livello nazionale. 

In tutto questa edizione ha visto in gara 2.528 entry, 228 delle quali, provenienti da 18 mercati, sono state premiate.

Nella stessa occasione è stato pubblicato l’Eurobest Creativity Report con le tendenze, gli insight raccontati dai giurati nelle varie discipline e le classifiche. Tra le tendenze più rilevanti, il report evidenzia “Fresh takes on familiar issues” che indica approcci innovativi a sfide ben note; la tendenza “Economics 101” che evidenzia come i brand stiano incoraggiando un consumo più intelligente ed efficiente, concentrandosi sui benefici ambientali e sul risparmio sui costi per i consumatori attenti al budget. C’è poi, di nuovo, il grande potere dell’umorismo di migliorare la visibilità del brand e trattare – con delicatezza e autenticità – argomenti complicati, come la salute fisica e mentale.

Il report si può consultare sul sito The Work, insieme a tutti i vincitori e shortlist.


Audio & Radio: ‘Pub Museums, for Heineken, by LePub, Milan, Italy / Publicis, Dublin,Ireland

Brand Experience & Activation: ‘The Everyday Tactician’, for Xbox, by McCann, London, UK

Creative B2B: ‘The Move to -15’, for DP World, by Edelman, London, UK

Creative Business Transformation: ‘Renault – Cars To Work’, for Renault, by Publicis Conseil, Paris, France

Creative Commerce: ‘Price Packs’, for PENNY, by Serviceplan, Munich, Germany

Creative Data: ‘Room for Everyone’, for Mastercard, by McCann Poland, Warsaw, Poland

Creative Effectiveness: ‘Raise Your Arches’, for McDonald’s, by Leo Burnett, London, UK

Creative Strategy: ‘Darty – Long Lasting Reviews’, for Darty, by Publicis Conseil, Paris, France

Design: ‘855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS)’, for Anzen Health, by Serviceplan, Munich, Germany

Digital Craft: ‘Animal Alerts’, for PetPace, by Serviceplan, Munich, Germany / L&C, New York, USA

Direct: ‘Renault – Cars To Work’, for Renault, by Publicis Conseil, Paris, France

Entertainment: ‘The Everyday Tactician’, for Xbox, by McCann, London, UK

Film: ‘Chess’, for Sitges – International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, by CHINA, Madrid, Spain

Film Craft: ‘Never Just a Period’, for Libresse, by Soundtree Music / AMV BBDO, London, UK

Glass: The Award For Change: ‘Pink Chip’, for DEGIRO, by AKQA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Grand Prix for Good: ‘Assume That I Can’, for CoorDown, by Indiana Production Company, Milan, Italy / SMALL, New York, USA

Healthcare: ‘Waiting to Live’, for NHS, by VML, London, UK

Industry Craft: ‘The Edition’, for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, by Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany

Innovation: ‘Pink Chip’, for DEGIRO, by AKQA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Integrated: ‘150 Years of Whateverken’, for Heineken, by LePub, Milan, Italy

Media: ‘If you are into it, it’s in the V&A’, for V&A, by PHD / adam&eveDDB, London, UK

Outdoor: ‘Pub Museums’, for Heineken, by LePub, Milan, Italy / Publicis, Dublin, Ireland

PR: ‘Tampon FOR MENstruation’, for Vuokkoset, by TBWA\Helsinki, Finland

Print & Publishing: ‘Price Packs’, for PENNY, by Serviceplan, Munich, Germany

Social & Influencer: ‘Olympic Curry’, for McDonald’s, by DDB, Paris, France

Special Award

Network of the Year:

1. Publicis Worldwide; 2. Serviceplan Agenturgruppe; 3. McCann Worldgroup

Media Network of the Year:

1. PHD Worldwide; 2. OMD Worldwide; 3. Mediaplus

Agency of the Year:

1. Serviceplan, Munich, Germany; 2. Publicis Conseil, Paris, France; 3. LePub, Milan, Italy

Independent Agency of the Year:

1. Serviceplan, Munich, Germany; 2. Edelman, London, UK; 3. Jung Von Matt AG, Hamburg, Germany

Eurobest Golden Palm:

1. Indiana Production Company, Italy; 2. Lee Films, Spain; 3. HENRY, France

Agency of the Year by Market:

Belgium, Wunderman Thompson, Antwerp

Finland, TBWA\Helsinki, Helsinki

France, Publicis Conseil, Paris

Germany, Serviceplan, Munich

Italy, LePub, Milan

The Netherlands, AKQA, Amsterdam

Norway, TRY, Oslo

Spain, Lola MullenLowe, Madrid

Sweden, Åkestam Holst, Stockholm

United Kingdom, McCann, London

Eurobest, l’Italia vince tre Grand Prix grazie a LePub e Heineken. Il GP for Good a Small, Indiana e Coordown ultima modifica: 2024-12-11T16:05:31+01:00 da Redazione

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